- Place a small knot at the end of the embroidery thread.
- Pull the needle through from back to the front and alongside the edge of the material to be appliquéd onto the main body of material.
- Taking the needle, work a stitch approximately 1⁄4” / 1 cm in length from the inside of the appliquéd material out towards its edge.
- Loop the top of the thread around the needle and pull until the stitch is secure, but not too tight.
- Working to the left insert the needle 1/8” / 1⁄4 cm away from the first stitch and equal distance inside the appliquéd layer as the first stitch.
- Loop the thread around again and pull the stitch securely.
- Continue until you have worked your way all around the piece to be appliquéd.
- Finish off by working a nal stitch into the first stitch and pull the thread through to the back.
- Secure closed with a couple of stitches and snip off the excess thread.
Blanket Stitch Appliqué