Christmas Owl Decoration No Sew Tutorial

Upcycle a tea towel with this cute, no sew decoration idea from Miss Daisy Patterns.

To make this sweet little owl decoration for your christmas tree you will need:

  1. Red Felt (the quanity depends on how many owls you want to make)
  2. Bondaweb (also known as Wonder Under) Bondaweb is an strong, heat reactive, adhesive web which permanently bonds one fabric to another when ironed. Bondaweb is available in any haberdashery shop or online.
  3. Narrow cream or red ribbon
  4. Owl fabric – the material I used in this tutorial came from a Pennys’ tea towel. (any tea towel with a cute printed animal will do)
  5. Cream or red machine sewing thread (Optional if you want to machine sew the border of the decoration)

You will also need:

  1. Scissors
  2. Iron and ironing board
  3. Sewing machine (Optional if you want to machine sew the border of the decoration)

Owl patterned tea towel Red Tea towel available from Pennys

cut out the owl shape

  1. Cut out around the shape of the owl from the tea towel. Leaving extra fabric around the owl image and sealing it with the bondaweb will prevent the fabric from fraying at the edges when you cut closer to the actual shape.
  2. Place the material onto the bondaweb and cut out the above shape, iron the bondaweb onto the reverse of the material, rough side down. Allow to cool down. The owl image will now have a backing of paper stuck to the material. reverse of owl image with the bondaweb attached(Full manufacturer pdf instructions for using Bondaweb click here)
  3. Cut out close to the outline of the owl leaving a small white border all the way around.owl and felt shapes cut out
  4. Place the owl onto the felt and cut out around the shape again, leave a border of appromimately 1/2 cm / 1/4 of an inch, to create a red frame for the fabric owl.owl shapes
  5. Peal off the bondaweb backing from the owl fabric and place onto the felt.
  6. Place in a small length of ribbon, fold in half and sandwich in-between the material and the felt. Iron in place.
  7. Your finished owls are now ready to hang on your Christmas tree 🙂owlsSewing optional: You can (only if you want), sew  around the border of the owl fabric, just in from the white material border.machine sewing the owl decorationsfinished owls


Tina & Missy

Welcome to Miss Daisy Patterns Website. My name is Tina and I am the creator of all the free patterns, tutorials and videos you find here alongside also selling some sewing patterns. If you like my free content and would like to see me creating more, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!

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Hi there and welcome to my website & blog, for the purposes of copyright you are very welcome to link to this blog and or to post one or two images from this blog, you are also welcome to pin any images from my blog. Please do contact me if you want to use any of the text or more images. The free patterns and tutorials are designed for you to either make for yourself or as a gift, please do not sell either the patterns or the items created. Happy Crafting. xxx Tina

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