Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Owl & the Pussy-cat Pattern & Tutorial


  • Boat – 2 sheets of A4 felt (colours 2 shades of green)
  • Owl, pussy-cat & guitar see patterns for felt amounts (mix and match colours as you choose)
  • Embroidery thread / floss to match the colours of felt chosen
  • Flower trim (optional, this can either go around the circumference of the boat, just at the from section or not at all if desired)
  • Polyester craft filler


  • Paper and fabric scissors
  • Pins
  • Embroidery needle
  • Printer & A4 paper

To make:

Download the patterns and print out on A4 paper at 100% Pattern 1, Pattern 2, and cut out using the paper scissors.

Note: Using a good fabric scissors to cut paper will dull the scissors.


Pin the boat pattern to the two sheet of felt and cut out.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Take one of the felt boat pieces (the one you want for the outside of the boat) and fold in half as shown in the image below.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Using 2 strands of the embroidery thread/floss whip stitch along the curved ends both sides of the boat.

Click on each of the sewing graphics for instructions as you progress through the project.


Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Stand the boat upright when you have finished sewing.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Optional: Stitch the flower trim onto the top circumference of the boat using a long and short running stitch.

Running stitch

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Repeat the first step and sew the second boat shaped felt.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Place the second boat inside the first boat, pin in place making sure to match up the seams all the way around.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Whip stitch around the top of the boat.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

The boat is now ready, leave aside for the moment.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial


Cut out all of the cat pattern pieces from your chosen colours of felt. The eye and nose pieces are quite small so they will need to be held in place and cut out very carefully.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Starting with the eyes, sew in place using the whip stitch appliqué and 2 strands of matching embroidery thread/floss.

Whip stitch applique

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Rethread the needle with 2 strands of black embroidery thread/floss and sew the eyes & nose in place again using the whip stitch appliqué.

Using the paper pattern as a guide fill in the mouth area using the back stitch.

Back Stitch

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Rethread the needle with 2 strands of matching embroidery thread/floss to the cat legs, position as per the pattern and whip stitch appliqué in place.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Place the front and the back pieces of the cat together, start sewing on the right hand side just below the neck and whip stitch all the way around the circumference, leaving a small opening to stuff the cat.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Stuff the cat with the craft filler and whip stitch the opening closed.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

The cat is now finished, leave aside for the moment.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial


Cut out all of the owl pattern pieces from your chosen colours of felt. The eye and nose pieces are quite small so they will need to be held in place and cut out very carefully.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Starting with the nose, position as per the pattern and sew in place with 2 strands of matching embroidery thread/floss, using the whip stitch appliqué.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Rethread the needle with matching embroidery thread/floss and sew the eye sections in place covering the nose as per the pattern. Using 2 strands of the thread.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Place the front of the owl and the back of the owl together, position the wings as per the pattern and start whip stitching again just below the neck on the right hand side.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Whip stitch around the circumference making sure to catch the wings and two body piece as you go. Leave a small opening. Stuff with the crafter filler and continue with the whip stitch to close.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

The owl is now finished, leave aside for the moment.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial


Cut out all of the guitar pattern pieces from your chosen colours of felt. The circle and triangle pieces are quite small so they will need to be held in place and cut out very carefully.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Whip stitch appliqué the circle and small rectangles in place as per the pattern, using 2 strands of matching embroidery thread/floss.

Finish the front of the guitar by running three long stitch between the two rectangular sections.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Place the front of the guitar over the back and whip stitch together around the circumference using 2 strands of matching embroidery thread/floss.

No stuffing required for the guitar.

The Guitar is now ready.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

Gather up your owl, pussy-cat & guitar and place into their pea green boat.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
   In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
   Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
   And sang to a small guitar,
“O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
    What a beautiful Pussy you are,
         You are,
         You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!”
Pussy said to the Owl, “You elegant fowl!
   How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
   But what shall we do for a ring?”
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
   To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
   With a ring at the end of his nose,
             His nose,
             His nose,
   With a ring at the end of his nose.
“Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
   Your ring?” Said the Piggy, “I will.”
So they took it away, and were married next day
   By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
   Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
   They danced by the light of the moon,
             The moon,
             The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

Owl & the Pussycat Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

Tina & Missy

Welcome to Miss Daisy Patterns Website. My name is Tina and I am the creator of all the free patterns, tutorials and videos you find here alongside also selling some sewing patterns. If you like my free content and would like to see me creating more, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!

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My Book – Sewing Animal Dolls





Hi there and welcome to my website & blog, for the purposes of copyright you are very welcome to link to this blog and or to post one or two images from this blog, you are also welcome to pin any images from my blog. Please do contact me if you want to use any of the text or more images. The free patterns and tutorials are designed for you to either make for yourself or as a gift, please do not sell either the patterns or the items created. Happy Crafting. xxx Tina

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