Sewing Jar with Pin Cushion – How to Make
- Pattern download here
- Jar with a screw top lid – The jar I used is 3 ½” tall and 2 ¾ “ wide. (7 cm x 9 cm), it also had a removable internal section to the lid. This aspect is not necessary.
- Cardboard
- Glue
- Wadding for stuffing the pin cushion section
- Thread
- Ribbon
- Scrap of material 5” x 5” (12.5 cm x 12.5 cm)
- Scissors
- Pins
- Needle
- Marker or pencil
How to make:
Download the pattern from the link above; you will only need to print out the large circle. – The full pattern will make the vintage teacup pincushion: for tutorial to make it click here.
Remove the lid; place it on the cardboard and draw around it.
Cut out and leave aside.
Cut out the pattern piece marked Top from the pattern you downloaded and printed.
Pin onto the chosen scrap of material and cut out.
Using the needle and thread, knot the thread at the end, work a secure stitch into the edge of the circle of material and do a running stitch all the way around the circle. Gather the material together leaving just enough space for the lid of the jar to slip into the fabric. Secure the thread.
Fill the circle with wadding. Place the cardboard over the wadding.
Run a line of glue around the circumference of the lid.
Slide the lid into the material and push the edges of the material up against the glue to secure in place.
When dry, run another line of glue around the circumference of the material covered lid and attach the ribbon.
Finally chose some sewing items for the inside of the jar and your sewing jar with pincushion gift is ready.