Valentine Heart Sewing Pattern
- Make these cute felt hearts to go with our sewing pattern Arthur the Bear.
- Free pattern for the hearts can be downloaded from here.
- They are so simple to make, just download the pattern from the link above and print it out on A4 paper at 100%.
- Choose which heart you want to make, or maybe make both?
- For our Valentine Bear (in the picture above) we used the pattern for the bigger heart.
- Choose a piece of red felt to suit the size you are making, pin the pattern to the felt and cut out.
- The pattern includes the seam allowance so there is no need to add any on.
- Remove the pattern.
- Transfer the markings for the opening as per the pattern.
- Sew the heart all the way around on your sewing machine, making sure to leave the marked section unsewn.
- Once you have finished, snip into the centre point of the heart, this will allow the heart shape to sit smoothly when you turn it right side out.
- Also snip off the excess fabric at the base of the heart.
- Turn the heart right side out.
- Fill the heart with polyester wadding, which you can scent with rose oil for that extra special perfume.
- Lavender also works well.
- Close up the opening with the ladder stitch; click here for instructions on how to do the ladder stitch.