Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Tools & Materials:Moley Monster Red

  • Paper & fabric scissors
  • Fabric marker
  • Printer and A4 paper
  • Embroidery thread/floss (colour to match the main body of the Moley Monster)
  • Embroidery needle
  • 2 sheets of A4 felt
  • Small sections of black and white felt (see pattern for amounts)
  • Craft filler

How to Make:

Download the following two patterns and print out at 100% on A4 paper:

Pattern A

Pattern B

Moley Monster A4 Colour in Sheet

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Cut out each of the paper pattern pieces.

Place each of the paper patterns onto the felt and trace around the outline.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Cut out each piece and lay in position to see the layout.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Taking the embroidery thread/floss, separate into three sets of two strands.

Thread the needle and place a knot at the end of the thread.

Using a running stitch sew the pupils onto the eye sections.

Running stitch

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Next sew the eyes onto the face, again using the running stitch.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Position the mouth and teeth onto the face and sew in place.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Place the front of the Moley Monster and the back together and line up the circumference.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Starting just below the ear section on the right hand side, sew around the circumference using the running stitch.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Before finishing off, leave a space wide enough to stuff your Moley Monster.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

Stuff lightly with the craft filler and close the opening with the running stitch.

Moley Monster Sewing Pattern

moley-greenYour Moley Monster is finished.

You can also make a smaller version of the Moley Monster, just download the pattern below and follow the same instruction as outlined above.

Moley Monster A6 Pattern

Moley Monster A6 Colour in Sheets

To make a paper Moley Monster just follow our other crafty makes tutorial right here.

Moley Monster Sewing Patternbanner-2

Tina & Missy

Welcome to Miss Daisy Patterns Website. My name is Tina and I am the creator of all the free patterns, tutorials and videos you find here alongside also selling some sewing patterns. If you like my free content and would like to see me creating more, please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!

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My Book – Sewing Animal Dolls





Hi there and welcome to my website & blog, for the purposes of copyright you are very welcome to link to this blog and or to post one or two images from this blog, you are also welcome to pin any images from my blog. Please do contact me if you want to use any of the text or more images. The free patterns and tutorials are designed for you to either make for yourself or as a gift, please do not sell either the patterns or the items created. Happy Crafting. xxx Tina

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